How to Survive the Newborn Stage (and Actually Enjoy It)
Anyone with kids (or who’s been around kids) knows the newborn stage is a challenge. However, by taking these intentional steps to survive the newborn stage, you can actually enjoy this season of motherhood.
A little over a year and a half since my first was born, I’m back in the middle of the newborn stage again. Cluster feedings, frequent diaper changes, mixed up days and nights, and everything else that comes with a baby, all with a young toddler while still in the middle of postpartum recovery.
But surprisingly, this has actually been an enjoyable time for me, despite its challenges. While I enjoyed my daughter’s newborn stage to a certain extent, it was so much harder. Even though I now have 2 under 2, I’ve learned ways to thrive in this season.
The Right Perspective
A good perspective is one of the most important parts! Even if you feel like the newborn stage will last forever, before you know it your baby will be sleeping through the night, eating solids, and playing independently. Time really does go so fast!
Take a Step Back
There’s just not enough time or energy during the newborn stage to do everything well. Instead of pushing yourself or stressing over what’s not getting done, take a step back from everything you can.
It’s okay if for a few months your home isn’t as clean as you’d like it to be, meals are quickly thrown together, laundry is a little behind, and you have to say “no” to more things outside the house. You may even want to buy paper plates to cut back on dishes or, if you use cloth diapers, temporarily switch to disposables.
In a few months or less you’ll likely be ready to get back to how you normally live your life. There are other more important priorities right now.
Have a Flexible Schedule
While some people prefer to put their babies on a schedule almost immediately, I find it less stressful to stay flexible and go with the flow. It’s not a big deal if dinner isn’t always right on time, older kids are up a little later some nights because that’s just how the day went, or you sleep in late.
Staying relaxed and flexible will help your whole family feel less stressed during this short season.
Do Something Enjoyable When the Baby’s Awake at Midnight
Don’t just mindlessly scroll social media or stress out trying every possible method to get the baby back to sleep. It’s normal for babies not to sleep through the night, so just embrace it.
Find a good audiobook to listen to, a fun podcast, watch your favorite show or a movie, or at least turn on some uplifting music. You’ll feel so much better than if you just mindlessly looked at your phone.
Take Care of Yourself
It’s easy to be so focused on other things during the newborn stage that you forget to take care of yourself. But it’s so crucial to fully recover from birth, stay healthy, and feel good mentally.
Make sure you’re eating balanced meals and snacks, drinking enough, and taking your prenatals and any other supplements. Sleep is often tricky, but when you can and feel tired, sleep when the baby sleeps.
It can also be so helpful to take some time to get outside, even if it’s just sitting on the porch for a while. Walking is also a great way to get outside and do some light exercise.
Even if it’s hard, you’ll feel much better if you make a point to put yourself together most days. It may be a little bit before you’re doing your hair and makeup every day, but you can start by at least showering and getting fully dressed.
You’re also still in the middle of postpartum recovery. Try to limit time on your feet, unnecessary lifting, and long days away from the house.
Accept Help When It’s Offered
Even if you feel like you’ve got things under control, it’s important to accept help that’s offered. Have family or close friends watch your other kids for a while, enjoy being brought meals, and let anyone who offers pick up groceries or help with household chores. You’ll be thankful to have less on your plate!
Find What Works for You and Your Baby
You don’t have to force yourself or your baby to fit what everyone else says is right. You don’t even need to do what you did with previous babies. There are so many different options when it comes to baby supplies, sleeping arrangements, baby schedules, and all the small decisions we make throughout the day taking care of newborns.
For example, with my first, it worked best (based on her habits and weight gain) to “never wake a sleeping baby.” But to encourage better nighttime sleep, this time around we’re waking up this newborn a few times during the day.
Figure out what works best for you and your family, and go with it!
Prioritize Your Marriage
It’s very common for people to say that the most difficult time in marriage is once they start having kids. But this doesn’t have to be the case! Even while trying to survive the newborn stage, it’s important to prioritize your spouse.
This doesn’t mean you have to leave the baby with a babysitter for date nights. However, still make a point to do things together that you enjoy – even if you need to take the baby places with you. With the lack of sleep that often comes with newborns, valuing your relationship could even look like getting in bed as soon as the baby is asleep and watching a movie.
There are other simple ways that you can prioritize your spouse throughout the day. Try to not be constantly distracted by the baby when you’re having a conversation. You could also do things around the house together while listening to something you both enjoy.
A thriving marriage is important during every season of life, and it’ll make the newborn stage so much easier!
Learn to Baby Wear
Babies naturally want to be close to their moms at all times. Baby wearing is a wonderful way to facilitate that while also going about your daily life. Baby wearing has been done by moms for thousands of years, and it’s one of the easiest ways to get things done with a newborn. There are so many different carriers and wraps available (the Solly wrap is my favorite for newborns), and you can find one that works great for you!
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How to Survive the Newborn Stage (and Actually Enjoy It) – Conclusion
Whether you’re on your first or fourth baby, the newborn stage is always full of challenges. However, by keeping your perspective and priorities straight and embracing this new season, you can enjoy this short time in you and your child’s life.
What are some things that have helped you to survive the newborn stage and enjoy it? Let me know in the comments!
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